Contributing Content to hShop / Contribution Guidelines

Find out about how you can contribute content to hShop, and what the contribution guidelines are.

NOTE: If you are trying to contribute content you own on the eShop, please read this wiki page about content legitimacy and this wiki page about ticket dumping instead.

Allowed content

  • Official content
  • Homebrew applications (after agreement of author)

Contribution guidelines

  1. You may only contribute content that is made to work on the 3DS. You are not allowed to contribute things such as DS forwarders. .

  2. The only content format we allow is .cia (CTR Importable Archive). You can use compressed archives when contributing more than one title (.zip, .rar, .7z) but they may not be password-protected.

  3. You must specify the type of the content you are contributing (i.e games, updates, etc.).
    You should also include a way for us to be able to see whether the content is compatible only with New 3DS systems, such as including "New 3DS" in the file name.

  4. The content you contribute must be tested yourself for functionality. We will not test content for you. If you contribute broken content and a user manages to find out about it, your content will be removed immediately.

  5. You may not contribute content we already provide unless it is a newer version.

  6. You may not contribute any kind of NSFW (Not Safe For Work) content.

  7. If you are contributing homebrew applications, please contact the author to make sure they are okay with your contribution.

Join our Discord server to get started with the contribution process.

Added: 27-05-2022 09:52 UTC

Updated: 25-04-2023 14:49 UTC