3hs music
Make 3hs more lively by adding music of your choice.
3hs themes
Make 3hs look the way you want.
Dumping tickets
Learn how and why you should dump tickets for your purchased digital titles.
Using hShop
Learn about how to use hShop to download content.
About theme installers
Learn how to use hShop's unique theme installers
Switching SD/microSD Cards
Find out how you can upgrade/switch to a new SD/microSD card.
Slow download speeds
Learn about the causes and possible fixes of slow download speeds.
Using LumaLocaleSwitcher
Learn how to use LumaLocaleSwitcher to configure certain titles that require it.
Content legitimacy
Find out what it means when we say content is "legit".
Contributing Content to hShop / Contribution Guidelines
Find out about how you can contribute content to hShop, and what the contribution guidelines are.